Deepti had a mother's group lunch at a fancy cafe. South African air dried meat.
I got to spend some quality father-daughter time with Naina at the nearest park to the new house - Dendy Park in Brighton East. I was a bit nervous. Naina doesn't spend too much time away from Deepti, so this 2 hour period was going to be interesting.
In terms of closeness, Naina recognises me as her "daddy" but I sometimes fret that Naina's most complicated expression is "bye daddy" and not "hi daddy" or something else that doesn't involve me leaving or going somewhere. She loves to greet me in the evenings when I come home from work and seems to have an understanding that I won't be able to lift her up for long periods as on the occasions that she wants to be picked up by me she is happy with one or two seconds before she wants to get down.
Anyway, being interlopers to Dendy Park (not true Brighton East residents), we were pretty much in awe at what rich kids get to play with. The play area is covered, full of various swings and toys, including the whiz bang (speakerphone toys) and gated as well. As a playground novice, this is all fairly awesome.
Naina had just woken up by the time we got there, so there was an element of wide eyed shock:
She isn't really into other kids. She just sort of gawps at them. I think she doesn't know what to do with them. Apart from steal their ball and not give it back to them.
Eventually she warmed up to me (note I have no photographic evidence of alleged warmth) being with her and Deepti not. So there was slides and playing in the sand, swings and wanderings. I am glad to report that Naina and I bonded for the best part of two hours without a single tear (Naina or me) - even when I had to bring her back to the car. I think she just accepts I'm not as much fun as 'didi' (Deepti).
The move is approaching (20 October 2009) so we're already doing the chuck and recycle.
I managed to accumulate 3 computers. At least one of them (and associated parts) ended up somewhere useful (byteback). The sight of around 200 computer monitors in a skip is something to behold. The knowledge that they will not end up in landfill is a very good feeling.
But really, we've had a quiet month. I think it's like an impending storm. We'll be glad to be in a new house.
Just this week, she's started saying "Bye daddy" when she goes to sleep or when I leave in the morning. I can't pick an accent yet - indian or australian. That was a big shock when she put those two words together.
Other new words this week - "ut-to" meaning get up, "daddy shoo-shoo" meaning daddy and #1's.
And of course singing and dancing. I've introduced her to O Brother Where Art Thou, not quite the Wiggles, but she recognises the songs and starts clapping along. Very cute. You are my sunshine being a favourite. We can't decipher what she sings each morning, but as soon as it is picked, it'll be blogged.