22 July 2009

Secret posting whilst meant to be working

Naina's up to her first two word phrase. This is great!

Over a period of a few months since coming back from India she has been saying words like jha, achcha and (surprisingly) a-dit. We've heard her saying "ko-wa" which means crow in hindi. We didn't realise what it meant until about Saturday as she's now saying "kya-wa" which means, wait for it, "what happened?". When a loud noise emerges from the kitchen, "kya-wa".

My mum says N speaks hindi like I do, i.e. very poorly. I insist it is Naina who speaks hindi extremely well for a 15 month old and it is I who speaks hindi like a baby.

12 July 2009


Naina is progressing pretty quick. It feels like it to us. In April she couldn't walk and crawled everywhere. It's the opposite now. The sight of N crawling today was a surprise. It's been months since I saw her do so.

The handbag phase is passing onto the collecting phase. She will toddle into the kitchen, open the cupboards, collect the good cups (three at a time) and deposit them into locations as yet unknown. Like a bear in the winter. We found one cup in our bedroom behind the door. She handles the cups very carefully; I reckon that won't last. I think she has "collected" two of my old cameras and "deposited" them safely for future reference. Today I found a toothpaste tube in the lounge room, her lunchbox lid in the bathroom, a soap packet in the hallway and her socks in the kitchen.


Naina's probably been on a growth upswing this week, teeth, feet, legs, head. She's also probably cottoned on to the tension in the house and so she's been unsettled as well. More temperamental, less ease helping to sleep and more work on the reading and concentrating part.

Meanwhile, here's some photos from N's first trip to the Zoo from Queen's Birthday weekend in June. It was wet, cold and windy. We had no umbrella. But she loved the butterfly house, just because she could run free in a place that was warm, light and sunny.

This is N's new trike! It took me two hours to build.

Househunting sucks!

This househunting thing is turning into a pain.

Example in part.

Turned up to an auction. We had driven past a house, liked it, but accepted it wouldn't be in our range (with previously mentioned 10 per cent rule) and so decided to attend and see what happened.

Dutifully, turned up to the auction last Saturday, dressed as powerfully as I could muster (not very powerfully) and stood up the front. I'm confident it worked because there was no opening bids, so I through in a "try my luck" bid.

The bids didn't follow the script and I easily won. But we didn't meet the reserve. This gives us the opportunity to be individually pressured by the agents to meet the reserve. I actually think it is a higher pressure game than being outside the house. Three agents in suits all trying to muscle me up. I refused to meet the reserve, but did up my bid to the top of our range.

They then went outside to talk to other potential buyers and got a higher bid, which they asked me to match. I said no and lost by 3k.

The next day and a half was full of angst; for 3k we would have got the house of our dreams etc etc. Deepti tried her best to console me, but she also liked the house. So I rang the agent on Monday and said if the contracts do break, give me a call.

He rang me a few hours later. The purchaser hadn't shown up, etc I'm sure this is illegal but basically said make an offer; if the purchaser falls through I'll take the bid to the seller and he'll accept it straight away.

Anyway, the purchaser did eventually show up. But at the stage the agent started being all friendly to us, i.e. on the Monday, I started to hesitate. I actually started to think, be careful what we wish for. It wasn't the dream house and we're so glad we didn't get it.

Andrew, when the next house comes to auction that we want, I'll give you a call...