Handbags, anyone's. She steals handbags at the playgroup and then argues with mum's over whose handbag is it. Anna warned me about this; it's adorable though. She's taken to trying to hold my backpack when I get back from work and demanding to be lifted up as well.
Her confidence in walking is fantastic now and there's very little stumbling or falling over. Hard to imagine it has been only 6 or 7 weeks. Really short video to follow.
Balloons at any cost, the more the better. Quickly snatched by N at Dick Smith.
Sitting too close to the TV. We've actually been disciplining N about this. I know, shocking. I try the count to 3 method (she obviously doesn't understand yet, because this makes her excited), then take her hand method and guide her back to her port-a-potty (pics to follow soon). Finally, after three goes, we turn off the TV. N starts half-hearted howls of protest but then gets on with other stuff.
Definitely takes after father and grandfather. Weather is her favourite part of ABC news.
Reading to N is proving harder ground to cover. I sometimes think it is the material we try to cover is too heavy (Real Estate magazines, Satellite TV catalogue, Australian Financial Review) and other times she's just too tired. I'd like her to be a bit more patient with the reading but tonight she got through a soft book of about 1 minute in duration before she started squirming and pushing. I probably dropped the ball a bit, because there was a period about six months ago when she wasn't so mobile and I could read to her in bed and she'd be content turning the pages and listening to me. She doesn't listen so much any more and tries to pull the book out of my hands.