The party was held at Aqua Viva in Nedlands, opposite the old Steve's Hotel. Acqua viva is a floating restaurant and a nice venue - water on three sides and a jetty connecting it to the mainland. The party was a lot of Anveeta's friends from junior school to her most recent Deloitte colleagues. So there was probably about 20 people I knew from years in Perth, Deepti had met a few in the relative short time she'd been in Australia, so all up a good evening was had.
Mum wanted me to take Deepti dancing. This was a little too progressive for my liking. Sure, Deepti and I are married, we have had a child and argued over the quantity of luggage we're carrying, but dancing in public with my wife sounded a little extreme. I resisted succesfully. Especially with the music being the 80's classics rather than BHANGRA!!!!!! that went down at our wedding (no Let's go party tonite....etc, Catherine, I've been informed that was your favourite).
See if you can spot the member of the family who wasn't invited.
When we got home N was asleep - i've never seen her sleep without feeding to sleep or pouching to sleep so were suitably amazed and embarrassed and inadequatelized. Damn experienced parenters.
1 comment:
It gets easier as you have more kids. We managed to go out for dinner when Charlotte was 3 weeks. In retrospect it was madness but I put her to sleep and she slept till after we got back. Perhaps you just get more desperate for a quite dinner for two.
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