20 February 2009

And we're back

Actually only I'm back.

We're all well. Naina's had her haircut, she a shiny new "1" and apparently didn't cry at all during the trimming. It became abundantly clear after a few days in India that washing and shampooing Naina's hair with filtered and then boiled water was a complicated task that achieved very little. So the haircut will make Deepti's life a whole lot easier for the rest of her trip.

A full set of updates to follow. However, no photographic evidence as we only took a digital video camera and that's in India.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! There must be more to this story than a young girl's trim. We must catch up soon, so I can hear it. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad all are well and look forward to hearing about your trip.

Izzy recently declared she wanted to go to India (I think because we were looking at pictures of elephants). I have promised that when we are all a bit bigger we will go again.