21 October 2008

Back in Perth

We're all together again in Perth.

It has been great seeing Naina again. She's changed a lot in three weeks.

From the top, she's put on weight and height.

She's also become stronger. She's started flipping herself and reaching out for toys. She's also able to sit unaided (albeit at an awkward angle). And with a little assistance, she's able to lock her knees in place and stand unaided for about 5 seconds. She's also making some reasonable non-gaseous socially unawkward sounds, like da-da-da-da, and ab-a-ab-a. I'd like to think her first words were da-da, but somehow my rationalist inside says she thinks her milk bottle is da-da.

The most unexpected part of this is how quickly she's progressed in three weeks. I probably didn't see those changes - or it didn't feel like she progressed that quickly, whilst she was in Melbourne. Looking back, there was probably boswelling emotions of analysing each little step and forgetting about the gee-whiz factor of a baby going from a completely helpless position on her back to nearly being able to stand up by herself (with an brief explanation of some central tenants of gravity).

As you could probably tell, it felt like weeks and I needed Tom Waits to get me through it. But now back in Perth, with the gentle sounds of a screaming in excitement baby, everything seems ok with the world.

1 comment:

Andrew Scott said...

Everything seems okay with the world?? Are you kidding? The Australian team being creamed by India? It's bizarre.