24 December 2008


Part of the reason for the complete disorganisation is that we went to Canberra (Our Nations Capital, The Bush Capital) last weekend.

The aim was to visit the recently sold apartment one last time. That was done within two hours and then on to catching up with good friends.

I actually felt quite nostalgic for the place, the city and my time there. I have some great friends there, (Sven and Jackie and now Cassie, Swarup and his wife Bonny, Kevin, Frank and Tahli), who make me feel very much like the people in Perth do. And now Deepti and Naina are with me, make Deepti and N feel at home as well.

When I lived in Canberra, everytime someone visited, we'd go to Parliament House, Old Parliament House and the National Gallery of Australia. It was the done thing. So driving past all these places (time shortage) sent waves of good memories flooding in.

It was of course, frickin' freezing on the Saturday night, which also reminded me of how cold that place can be!

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