05 December 2008

Gina Ford is nuts

I'm probably, oh, about six months behind in my baby reading, but Gina Ford, contented baby, she's nuts. Truly a megalomaniac.

Deepti handed me a copy of "Contented Baby". I read some bits and thought, hmm, interesting. Certainly less violent than the previous book I read. "A Criminal History of Mankind". (Recommended reading, especially the Roman Empire). And less soporific than the book before that "The Diamond Cutter - How Buddha can help your business".

Anyway, megalomaniac. She's a shocker. Does this woman come out of the matron age or what? I read her acknowledgement very carefully; no thanks to any baby at all there. That just tells me one thing, one important thing, for all her good things that may exist in her book, she's got no sense of proportion or gratitude or sense of generosity at all to any baby that has passed through her life.

Definitely, one for the bonfire.

1 comment:

Bronaddict said...

Don't get me started on Gina Ford. Hope she doesn't sue you for that entry, AD.