12 December 2008

Plans for the blog during down time

I am still pondering what to do with the blog whilst N and Deepti are away. I was thinking of putting it in hibernation and starting the Coco Mambo blog with all the stories I have saved - with assistance from Green in tracking down the "lost episodes".

Either that or starting a blog about the loves and lives of six daleks who live on the upper east side in Manhattan. I'm going to call it "Daleks in Manhattan". One of the Daleks will be called Joey.

1 comment:

Bob said...

I'd actually really like to see Friends performed by a cast of daleks, all recited verbatim in an urgent angry robotic monotone.

"UuGgLlYy NnAaKkEeDd GgUuYy GgOoTt Aa TtHhIiGgHh-MmAaSsTtEeRr!"